arivis Scientific Image Analysis
Oct 19, 2022 9:03:21 AM 4 min read

arivis and ZEISS at Neuroscience 2022

Discover the Power of Possibilities

 San Diego, CA | ZEISS Booth #2228

At this year's Neuroscience Conference you have the chance to learn everything about Vision4D 4.0, the newest release of our powerful scientific visualization and analysis solution.
In-booth presentations will demonstrate the superior combination of confocal microscopy with ZEISS LSM 9 microscopes and the new Automatic Neuron Tracing module of Vision4D, and our CTO Christian Goetze will give you a deep-dive into the technology and algorithms behind our scientific imaging platform.
Of course we'll also have workstations available where you have the chance for a first hands-on with real-life microscopy datasets from various imaging modalities.

Scroll down to discover the newest analytical possibilities for your research, register for in-booth presentations, and view our joint launch webinar from October 20!


Vision4D 4.0 for the first time features an integrated module for Automatic Neuron Tracing. The new module gives you the option to choose between two published state-of-the-art algorithms to facilitate automated analysis of your imaging data with a maximum of compatibility for your specific samples and imaging modalities. No matter if your research centers on confocal or light-sheet microscopy, single neurons or cleared tissue applications, small or large datasets: the new module gives you the flexibility to adapt the automatic analysis for better, faster results that you can trust.


But of course that's not everything we've updated in the newest release: Vision4D now supports import of Perkin Elmer "Operetta" and "Columbus" datasets for even wider compatibility of different file formats, and we've included new distance statistics options to readily measure multiple cell density features, enabling completely new analytical possibilities for cell biologists working with 3D light and electron microscopy.
Vision4D 4.0 is the release neuroscientists and cell biologists have been waiting for!