arivis Scientific Image Analysis

AI for Advanced Image Analysis

A Practical Guide for Microscopy Analysis with the ZEISS arivis Software Platform

2nd Edition

Revolutionize Your Microscopy Research with this Free eBook

Unlock the power of AI in microscopy with this free, newly expanded and enhanced eBook. Learn how cutting-edge AI-driven technologies and solutions can revolutionize your image analysis and accelerate your research

In this free eBook, you will discover

  • The fundamentals of AI for image analysis.
  • How to train custom AI models on your microscopy data - no coding required.
  • Integrating AI models into ZEISS software for smart microscopy and streamlined image analysis.
  • Harnessing Deep Learning X-ray microscopy (and microCT) 3D reconstruction.
  • Expanded case studies covering both life and materials sciences.

Get your free copy today!


The Power of AI for Your R&D

Explore how AI transforms microscopy image analysis

Enhanced Accuracy Achieve reliable results even with complex, multi-dimensional images
Reproducibility Develop robust models that deliver consistent, reliable results.
Automation & Integration Integrate your AI model into your end-toend automated analysis pipeline.


We at ZEISS believe that technology can be a powerful tool for driving innovation and advancing science and we are proud to be leading the charge in the field of microscopy and imaging solutions.

Michael Albiez Ph.D.

Member of the Management Board IQR & Head of SBU RMS ZEISS, President & CEO Carl ZEISS Microscopy GmbH


AI and Machine Learning are transforming the field of image analysis, and this book provides a comprehensive guide to these powerful new technologies

Martin Fischer

Head of Global Sales & Service. ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions.