arivis Scientific Image Analysis
May 18, 2022 11:05:02 AM 7 min read

arivis VisionVR 3.6

Discover new possibilities with next-generation immersion and advanced AI analysis in virtual reality

arivis is excited to announce the latest release of its industry-leading Virtual Reality solution for interactive exploration and analysis of scientific imaging data. VisionVR 3.6 now features a complete workflow for machine learning training with point & click selection of objects, an improved Object Styles toolbox, and for the first time includes support for the OpenXR API. This makes VisionVR the most productive, versatile and future-proof VR solution for scientific imaging and analysis.

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Top Features of arivis VisionVR 3.6:

Machine Learning for Object Classification: The new VR tool enables a complete ML training with point & click selection of objects. Users can create a training and even run a full classification inside of the VR environment, change the preview, view training information and probability of segments. The training set can also be applied in Vision4D for analysis pipelines or batch analysis tasks. The result is a highly intuitive training process in fully immersive 3D that is more efficient and productive than on the 2D workbench.

OpenXR: VisionVR 3.6 for the first time includes support for OpenXR runtimes from ​all major VR headset manufacturers, which makes this release not only the most compatible but also future-proof for next-generation hardware and emerging standards. Recommended headsets* are “tested by arivis” for power users with good graphics for visualization and capable controllers that support all VR tools for productivity, resulting in a truly immersive experience. Partially supported headsets* still offer good visual experience with basic interactivity for educational or learning purposes.

Object Styles: We further improved the already industry-leading 3D rendering options and performance! Now you can change color and display types for whole subsets of objects in one go so it is faster to make your outstanding 3D datasets even more shiny and impressive. Create high-resolution screenshots and movies per object, per tag or globally.

We listen to your feedback: Various other updates include free movement in the virtual space when collaborating as well as various productivity improvements to the user interface and bookmark handling. Together with the usual bug fixes, performance improvements and seamless integration into Vision4D and VisionHub, this is the best VisionVR release yet!

*) For a detailed list see our Knowledge Base or contact our specialists below.

OpenXR™ is a trademark owned by The Khronos Group Inc. and is registered as a trademark in China, the European Union, Japan and the United Kingdom.

VisionVR_OpenXR_supported_VR_headsets_overview_highOpenXR: Supported VR headset manufacturers in VisionVR 3.6