arivis Scientific Image Analysis

Distances and Classifications

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Calculate distances between objects

Distance Measurements are now included in ZEISS arivis Pro (formerly Vision4D). These measurements can be based on surface-surface or centroid-centroid calculations and included directly into arivis Analysis Pipeline to filter and categorize objects based on proximity. The distance filter also differentiates between positive and negative distances for objects outside or inside other objects respectively.

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LLC-PK1 cells, nuclear objects labeled by distance to nuclear surface. Image data courtesy of Carl Zeiss Microscopy, ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 and ZEN Deconvolution

The arivis Image Analysis Platform

The arivis Scientific Image Analysis Platform is a flexible computing universe that scales, parallelizes, and streamlines all imaging workflows. With arivis' easy sharing functions your organization can enjoy data proficiency and efficiency at new levels. arivis includes integrated toolsets that handle everything, from file storage format to project and user-specific computations, to reporting. The platform's hubs connect datasets and manage central imaging databases and raw data exposure, while also enabling Machine Learning and AI routines.

placeholder40px ZEISS arivis Hub A nucleus of computational activity and collaboration at scale. ZEISS arivis Hub enables design and execution of large-scale experiments that produce results from images, whether datasets are already stored or are actively being produced. Mass quantities of microscopy data are onboarded and processed by a virtual team of computational workers. Smartly utilize processing cores in servers or workstations with maximum possible speed.  
placeholder40px ZEISS arivis Pro

Extract results from your scientific images with ZEISS arivis Pro. Make the most of hardware power adjustments and smooth interactivity on microscopy datasets of virtually unlimited size. The software unites multiple tools for visualization and advanced analysis into one easy-to-learn user environment for high productivity. Extend your possibilities with the Python coding feature and a multitude of supported libraries and APIs. Optional Virtual Reality interface.

placeholder40px ZEISS arivis Cloud Train Deep Learning models to automate your image analysis in ZEISS arivis Cloud (formerly APEER). Whether you use standard pipelines for routine tasks or create your own application, you can power your research with AI with just a few clicks. You can train your own model or alternatively, select a pre-defined pipeline and use a previously trained model on your images. The AI-trained models can be used with other ZEISS software products. Read More

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